Иконка ресурса

[DEV] Reunion

ну если включить гугл вам скажет что запрещен вход с таких клиентов)
С каких таких? Человек вчера играл, а сегодня не может. Или может за ночь что то поменялось?
Что бы вам смогли помочь для начала покажите конфиг reunion.cfg
Конфиг стандарт
То есть даже раньше если и была соль, все равно обнулится статистика у нон стимов?


2 раз(а)
Ребят подскажите , при установки версии 133 сервер периодически пропадает из списка серверов, через какое-то время все норм , потом опять так же , стоит стандартный cfg, только списано соль и hltv , ServerInfoAnswerType = 0 если я поменяю его на 2 это поможет ? Такая проблема только у меня ? На 92 версии все норм , но там периодически игроки ловят timeout и висят?
61 раз(а)
GIT, попробуйте отключить EnableQueryLimiter. А по хорошему то сначала бы сравнили что поменялось. Дальше методом дедукции поняли что добавились лимиты на запросы A2S_INFO. Ну и методом тыка бы нашли те настройки которые вас бы удовлетворили
2 раз(а)
GIT, Тоже обновлял до 133 версии, в кфг прописал так же соль и хлтв, ServerInfoAnswerType = 3 , после упал онлайн, играли ток те игроки у которых сервер был в избранном, откатился назад и сервер под завязку стал.
16 Ноя 2018
fantom, как заметил снижение онлайна, в кфг все настройки выставил на значения как были до обновления, но это не помогло, пока не откатился на версию 92.
91 раз(а)
ofanok, Перешел на 133 уже давно: пару дней понаблюдал, настроил все параметры под себя, проверил видимость сервера в разных сборках - проблем и жалоб не наблюдаю.

# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1])
cid_Steam = 1

# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id
# REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example)
# default is Deprecated [5]
cid_SteamPending = 11

# for HLTV (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_HLTV = 7

# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam47 = 4

# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam48 = 4

# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu = 2

# For players having RevEmu 2013 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu2013 = 2

# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SC2009 = 2

# For players having old revEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_OldRevEmu = 2

# For players having hCupa's SteamEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SteamEmu = 2

# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_AVSMP = 2

# For SETTI ServerScanner
# default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP [3]
cid_Setti = 4

# For SXEI Clients
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SXEI = 2

# For players having SmartSteamEmu > 1.2.4 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SSE3 = 2


# Authorization protocols version. All steamdid's of non-steams players will be changed in common with this value.
# 1: DProto (deprecated)
# 2: Reunion 2015-2018
# 3: Reunion new (recommended)
AuthVersion = 2

# SteamIdHashSalt (string)
# Salt string for SteamIDs hashing. Irreversibly changes SteamIDs. Prevents SteamID stealing.
# Should be more than 16 chars length. If string is empty, hashing is not applied (AuthVersion < 3) or Reunion init will be failed (AuthVersion >= 3).
SteamIdHashSalt = соль

# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatible with revEmu. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 1
SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1

# EnableSXEIdGeneration (0 / 1)
# Turns on steamid generation based on info sent by sXeI client
# Enable this ONLY if you have sXeI server installed!
# Default: 0
EnableSXEIdGeneration = 0

# EnableGenPrefix2 (0 / 1)
# Enable second prefix (STEAM_*:0/1:****) for generated authids. Reduces chance of authid collisions. Works only with configured SteamIdHashSalt. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 0
EnableGenPrefix2 = 0

# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr)
# HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprecated)
HLTVExcept_IP =


# This config section will be ignored when AuthVersion > 2.

# IPGen_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix1 = 0

# IPGen_Prefix2 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix2 = 4

# Native_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam)
Native_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu
RevEmu_Prefix1 = 1;

# RevEmu2013_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu2013
RevEmu2013_Prefix1 = 1;

# SC2009_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009
SC2009_Prefix1 = 1;

# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu
OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 2;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu
SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 3;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam)
AVSMP_Prefix1 = 4;

# Setti_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner
Setti_Prefix1 = 5;

# SXEI_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for sXeI clients
SXEI_Prefix1 = 6;

# SSE3_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for SSE3
SSE3_Prefix1 = 7;

# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1/2)
# Sets server answer type for query requests
# 0 = New style (Steam) (recommended)
# 1 = Old Style (GoldSource Engine)
# 2 = Hybrid mode - Server is visible anywhere, but there are 3 packets generated for every serverinfo request
# Default: 0
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0

# FixBuggedQuery (0 / 1)
# Enable fix for clients with bugged serverbrowser. Prevents hanging on connect.
# Default: 1
FixBuggedQuery = 1

# EnableQueryLimiter (0 / 1)
# Enable ratelimit for server queries (TSource, players, etc). You can use 0 if external protection solutions used.
# Default: 1
EnableQueryLimiter = 0

# QueryRateLimit (128/2048)
# Global rate limit for server queries in packets/sec.
# Default: 256
QueryRateLimit = 256

# QueryFloodBanTime (0 - 60).
# Ban time in minutes for server query flooding. Use 0 to disable bans (block only).
# Default: 10
QueryFloodBanTime = 0

# LogAttacks (0 / 1)
# Log attacks to reunion_attacks.log
# Default: 1
LogAttacks = 1

# AllowSplitPackets (0 / 1)
# Allow splitting of outgoing packets if they size are greater than 1400. Used in original steamclient, but does not supported by some monitorings.
# Default: 0
AllowSplitPackets = 0

# IPClientsLimit (0 - 32)
# Maximum number of clients from single ip. Useful for computer clubs.
# Default: 5
IPClientsLimit = 5

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# LoggingMode:
# 0 = None
# 1 = Console
# 2 = Log Files
# 3 = Both
LoggingMode = 3
2 раз(а)
present, попробую с твоими настройками)
16 раз(а)
present, еще бы сервер ip скинул. у меня на 133 зависал нонстим клиент. не всегда но часто.
14 раз(а)
В общем откатился пока что, надеюсь в будущем проблемы будут устранены...
А пока опишу 2 проблемы, которые я испытал после обновления

1. Мой клиент завис при подключении, не показав ни одного деления загрузки ( хотя вчера ночью было все нормально, бегал под паролем часа 4, видимо это как-то зависит от онлайна... )
2. Начались частые кики ( я указал kick в конфиге ) с причиной idle timeout(1), до этого их не было, стоило мне проснуться - сразу же увидел 2 кикнутых игроков с интервалом 5-10 секунд ( на форуме об этом кстати тоже вроде как писали, в теме с Reunion'om прошлой версии по-моему ) (( Там раньше находился reunion ))

Как-то так.


# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1])
cid_Steam = 1

# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id
# REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example)
# default is Deprecated [5]
cid_SteamPending = 11

# for HLTV (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_HLTV = 7

# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam47 = 4

# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam48 = 4

# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu = 2

# For players having RevEmu 2013 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu2013 = 2

# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SC2009 = 2

# For players having old revEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_OldRevEmu = 2

# For players having hCupa's SteamEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SteamEmu = 2

# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_AVSMP = 2

# For SETTI ServerScanner
# default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP [3]
cid_Setti = 4

# For SXEI Clients
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SXEI = 2

# For players having SmartSteamEmu > 1.2.4 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SSE3 = 2


# Authorization protocols version. All steamdid's of non-steams players will be changed in common with this value.
# 1: DProto (deprecated)
# 2: Reunion 2015-2018
# 3: Reunion new (recommended)
AuthVersion = 2

# SteamIdHashSalt (string)
# Salt string for SteamIDs hashing. Irreversibly changes SteamIDs. Prevents SteamID stealing.
# Should be more than 16 chars length. If string is empty, hashing is not applied (AuthVersion < 3) or Reunion init will be failed (AuthVersion >= 3).
SteamIdHashSalt =

# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatible with revEmu. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 1
SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1

# EnableSXEIdGeneration (0 / 1)
# Turns on steamid generation based on info sent by sXeI client
# Enable this ONLY if you have sXeI server installed!
# Default: 0
EnableSXEIdGeneration = 0

# EnableGenPrefix2 (0 / 1)
# Enable second prefix (STEAM_*:0/1:****) for generated authids. Reduces chance of authid collisions. Works only with configured SteamIdHashSalt. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 0
EnableGenPrefix2 = 0

# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr)
# HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprecated)
HLTVExcept_IP =


# This config section will be ignored when AuthVersion > 2.

# IPGen_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix1 = 0

# IPGen_Prefix2 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix2 = 4

# Native_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam)
Native_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu
RevEmu_Prefix1 = 1;

# RevEmu2013_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu2013
RevEmu2013_Prefix1 = 1;

# SC2009_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009
SC2009_Prefix1 = 1;

# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu
OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 2;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu
SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 3;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam)
AVSMP_Prefix1 = 4;

# Setti_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner
Setti_Prefix1 = 5;

# SXEI_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for sXeI clients
SXEI_Prefix1 = 6;

# SSE3_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for SSE3
SSE3_Prefix1 = 7;

# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1/2)
# Sets server answer type for query requests
# 0 = New style (Steam) (recommended)
# 1 = Old Style (GoldSource Engine)
# 2 = Hybrid mode - Server is visible anywhere, but there are 3 packets generated for every serverinfo request
# Default: 0
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0

# FixBuggedQuery (0 / 1)
# Enable fix for clients with bugged serverbrowser. Prevents hanging on connect.
# Default: 1
FixBuggedQuery = 1

# EnableQueryLimiter (0 / 1)
# Enable ratelimit for server queries (TSource, players, etc). You can use 0 if external protection solutions used.
# Default: 1
EnableQueryLimiter = 0

# QueryRateLimit (128/2048)
# Global rate limit for server queries in packets/sec.
# Default: 256
QueryRateLimit = 256

# QueryFloodBanTime (0 - 60).
# Ban time in minutes for server query flooding. Use 0 to disable bans (block only).
# Default: 10
QueryFloodBanTime = 0

# LogAttacks (0 / 1)
# Log attacks to reunion_attacks.log
# Default: 1
LogAttacks = 1

# AllowSplitPackets (0 / 1)
# Allow splitting of outgoing packets if they size are greater than 1400. Used in original steamclient, but does not supported by some monitorings.
# Default: 0
AllowSplitPackets = 0

# IPClientsLimit (0 - 32)
# Maximum number of clients from single ip. Useful for computer clubs.
# Default: 5
IPClientsLimit = 5

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# LoggingMode:
# 0 = None
# 1 = Console
# 2 = Log Files
# 3 = Both
LoggingMode = 3
Последнее редактирование:
2 раз(а)
Hello, I'm using [DEV] Reunion [Linux]

I reported it earlier too, but my post was brought down due to some reasons.

Actually the bug is Steamers avatars are not visible in score card [Press Tab] nor their info with, Shift + Tab is displayed, except of your personal avatar and those in your friend list + those whom you have sent friend request (Not sure about those who had sent you request).

So, it largely affects the server rush. Though server might be non-steam but still Steamers play a major part in your server.

I’m not sure if it is ReHLDS issue or Reunion, as, as far I remember, Same problem is with Stable Version Too.

For More, You can See Screenshots.

Any sort of help, will really be appreciated.

P.S: I have confirmed by my friends too. Everyone faces this issue and every Re Version is upto date, if still, you need any else info, I'm thier to provide.

Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 09:47:42 Sep 29 2018 (1631)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/89be216

game version
ReGameDLL version:
Build date: 21:07:26 Oct 30 2018
Build from: https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/commit/932001b

meta version
Metamod v1.21p37 2013/05/30 (5:13)
by Will Day
Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37
by Jussi Kivilinna
compiled: May 30 2013, 11:41:16 EET (optimized)

meta list
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] SafeNameAndChat RUN - SafeNameAndChat. v1.1 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386. v0.1.0.1 ini Start Never
[ 3] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.2 ini Start ANY
[ 4] ReAuthCheck RUN - reauthcheck_mm_i v0.1.6 ini Start Never
[ 5] Rechecker RUN - rechecker_mm_i38 v2.5 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 6] Revoice RUN - revoice_mm_i386. v0.1.0.3 ini Start Never
[ 7] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i3 v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 8] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i38 v1.5.696 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 9] NetBufExtender RUN - nbex.so v1.0 ini ANY Never
[10] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
[11] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386 v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
[12] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i3 v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
[13] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.8.2-d pl3 ANY ANY
[14] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
[15] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
[16] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386. v5.6.0.1 pl3 ANY Never
[17] hackdetector RUN - hackdetector_amx v0.15.32 pl3 ANY ANY
[18] ReAimDetector RUN - reaimdetector_am v0.2.2 pl3 ANY Never
[19] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386. v1.8.2 pl3 ANY ANY
19 plugins, 19 running

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# General rule for modifying this file:

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# ClientID types (for cid_* options)
# 1: Real (or generated by HW) steam (STEAM_xx:xx:xx)
# 2: Real (or generated by HW) valve (VALVE_xx:xx:xx)
# 3: STEAM_ by IP
# 4: VALVE_ by IP
# 5: Deprecated - client will be rejected
# 6: reserved for future use
# 7: HLTV
# 12: STEAM_666:88:666

# Use these options to set authid's for clients


# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1])
cid_Steam = 1

# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id
# REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example)
# default is Deprecated [5]
cid_SteamPending = 9

# for HLTV (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_HLTV = 5

# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam47 = 4

# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is Deprecated [5])
cid_NoSteam48 = 3

# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu = 1

# For players having RevEmu 2013 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu2013 = 1

# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SC2009 = 1

# For players having old revEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_OldRevEmu = 1

# For players having hCupa's SteamEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SteamEmu = 1

# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_AVSMP = 1

# For SETTI ServerScanner
# default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP [3]
cid_Setti = 3

# For SXEI Clients
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SXEI = 1

# For players having SmartSteamEmu > 1.2.4 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SSE3 = 1


# Authorization protocols version. All steamdid's of non-steams players will be changed in common with this value.
# 1: DProto (deprecated)
# 2: Reunion 2015-2018
# 3: Reunion new (recommended)
AuthVersion = 2

# SteamIdHashSalt (string)
# Salt string for SteamIDs hashing. Irreversibly changes SteamIDs. Prevents SteamID stealing.
# Should be more than 16 chars length. If string is empty, hashing is not applied (AuthVersion < 3) or Reunion init will be failed (AuthVersion >= 3).
SteamIdHashSalt =

# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatible with revEmu. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 1
SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1

# EnableSXEIdGeneration (0 / 1)
# Turns on steamid generation based on info sent by sXeI client
# Enable this ONLY if you have sXeI server installed!
# Default: 0
EnableSXEIdGeneration = 0

# EnableGenPrefix2 (0 / 1)
# Enable second prefix (STEAM_*:0/1:****) for generated authids. Reduces chance of authid collisions. Works only with configured SteamIdHashSalt. Can't be disabled with AuthVersion >= 3.
# Default: 0
EnableGenPrefix2 = 0

# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr)
# HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprecated)
HLTVExcept_IP =


# This config section will be ignored when AuthVersion > 2.

# IPGen_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix1 = 0

# IPGen_Prefix2 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix2 = 4

# Native_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam)
Native_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu
RevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu2013_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu2013
RevEmu2013_Prefix1 = 0;

# SC2009_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009
SC2009_Prefix1 = 1;

# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu
OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu
SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam)
AVSMP_Prefix1 = 4;

# Setti_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner
Setti_Prefix1 = 5;

# SXEI_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for sXeI clients
SXEI_Prefix1 = 6;

# SSE3_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for SSE3
SSE3_Prefix1 = 7;

# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1/2)
# Sets server answer type for query requests
# 0 = New style (Steam) (recommended)
# 1 = Old Style (GoldSource Engine)
# 2 = Hybrid mode - Server is visible anywhere, but there are 3 packets generated for every serverinfo request
# Default: 0
ServerInfoAnswerType = 2

# FixBuggedQuery (0 / 1)
# Enable fix for clients with bugged serverbrowser. Prevents hanging on connect.
# Default: 1
FixBuggedQuery = 1

# EnableQueryLimiter (0 / 1)
# Enable ratelimit for server queries (TSource, players, etc). You can use 0 if external protection solutions used.
# Default: 1
EnableQueryLimiter = 1

# QueryRateLimit (128/2048)
# Global rate limit for server queries in packets/sec.
# Default: 256
QueryRateLimit = 256

# QueryFloodBanTime (0 - 60).
# Ban time in minutes for server query flooding. Use 0 to disable bans (block only).
# Default: 10
QueryFloodBanTime = 10

# LogAttacks (0 / 1)
# Log attacks to reunion_attacks.log
# Default: 1
LogAttacks = 1

# AllowSplitPackets (0 / 1)
# Allow splitting of outgoing packets if they size are greater than 1400. Used in original steamclient, but does not supported by some monitorings.
# Default: 0
AllowSplitPackets = 0

# IPClientsLimit (0 - 32)
# Maximum number of clients from single ip. Useful for computer clubs.
# Default: 5
IPClientsLimit = 5

# ========================================================
# ========================================================

# LoggingMode:
# 0 = None
# 1 = Console
# 2 = Log Files
# 3 = Both
LoggingMode = 2

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
2 раз(а)
Nardamon;303941 написал(а):
AuthVersion = 3
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0
This Didn't Help !!!

I tried ..!! Still No Avatars are Visible.

See, Its not new issue but old Issue and not only to me but others too.

I just found it out:


Before we talk Long, I will add conclusion here at Top:

According to my conclusion, Reuinon is not able to fetch players from Steam and they are not shown in server and Current Game. Hence, No Avatar or other details are shown.

But In dproto such thing don't happen.

Similarly, Plugins are able to fetch Steamers Info, Like Chat Manager From Mistrick [Steamer Prefix] But Not Reunion Itself Is Able To Fetch Info Of Steamers For Servers.

Screenshots and other info Here: http://www.dedicated-server.ru/vbb/showpost.php?p=303939&postcount=783

So, I was going through different trials, in which I tried different versions of ReHLDS and Reunion, I tried versions from ReHLDS.605 and Reunion 0.175, removed ReAuth, ReVoice. I figured out after removing Reunion [Making Server Steam Only] fixed the problem, even with ReHLDS.605 and with latest both but as soon as I re Installed Reunion, Server failed to fetch Steam Players in Current Game [Shift + Tab] and no Avatar was also visible.

Changes were only taking place after restarting Server And Steam [Not CS].

I noticed new thing, as I made server Steam Only, the Avatar was visible and player who was with me starts appearing in Current Game And Recent Games.

Now, when I added Reunion again and restared server and Steam. The avatar and player from current disappeared, but as I opened recent [In which player was showing (in recent), because the time I made Server Steam, due to which The Player appeared in recent].

Now once Information fetched by steam from recent, The server started displaying avatar after it.

According to my conclusion, Reuinon is not able to fetch/report players from Steam and they are not shown in server and Current Game. Hence, No Avatar or other details are shown.

But In dproto such thing don't happen.

Similarly, Plugins are able to fetch Steamers Info, Like Chat Manager From Mistrick [Steamer Prefix] But Not Reunion Itself Is Able To Fetch Info Of Steamers For Servers.

It Fixed With AuthVersion = 3. But ... Now Plugins Related To Steamers Are Not Working.
Unknown command: dp_clientinfo

Detailed Explanation Of The Bug:

If AuthVersion = 3 (Recommended)

Plugins Related To Steamers Don't Work.
Like: Steamers Prefix, Steamers Bonus, amx_steamers [All Steam Related Plugins]
Unknown command: dp_clientinfo

But Server Fetch/Record Steamers Info.

If AuthVersion = 2

Plugins Related To Steamers Work.
Like: Steamers Prefix, Steamers Bonus, amx_steamers [All Steam Related Plugins]

But Server Don't Fetch/Record Steamers Info.

Now What Should I do now?

I have discussed with some senior Plugin Aurthors too, but they also don't have any idea about it. [Thanks To Them And ReHLDS Team Still Helping Around Us].

With: amx_steamers

If AuthVersion = 3

I get this response:

Steamers Online:
# nick authid userid imm res access
Unknown command: dp_clientinfo

If AuthVersion = 2

I get this response:

Steamers Online:
# nick authid userid imm res access
2 Dr.Strange STEAM_0:0:123456 17 Yes Yes abcdefghijmnopqrstu

Fixed After:

ServerInfoAnswerType = 2
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0
SteamIdHashSalt =
SteamIdHashSalt = 01234567890123456
AuthVersion = 2
AuthVersion = 3
Последнее редактирование:
2 раз(а)
I know i'm annoying again and again (Sorry for it) but, Bug Still Exists. If you want Video, I'm ready to provide.

I have figured every aspect in which Reunion Work And Don't Work.


AuthVersion = 3 (Recommended)
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0 (Recommended)
SteamIdHashSalt = Less Than 16 Chars (Not Recommended)
Example: SteamIdHashSalt = salt [Less Than 16 Chars]

Server Fetches/Records Players To Steam
But Plugins Don't Work.
Unknown command: dp_clientinfo


AuthVersion = 3 (recommended)
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0 (Recommended)
SteamIdHashSalt = More Than 16 Chars (Recommended)
Example: SteamIdHashSalt = khancommunitycs16 [More Than 16 Chars]

Server Don't Fetches/Records Players To Steam
But Plugins Work Perfectly.

Well More Accurately, Its More Than 15 Chars, Not 16. But Reunion.cfg mentioned that, hence I wrote 16 Chars.


4 раз(а)
KOLOKOLb4UK, я после как на 133 перешел, скачал все сборки клиентов-раскруток, около 15шт, проверил на всех - все ок)
конфиг свой в какой-то из тем уже выкладывал
14 раз(а)
ifx, Значит у кого как. Пресент тоже выкладывал, говорит все ок, у меня иначе.
2 раз(а)
DrStrange, the answer is simple in reunion 133 no such thing, cvar like dp_clientinfo.
Then what can be used in alternative?
So, Prefix Plugins For Steamers Or Steam Bonuses Like Plugins can work? [Steam Relelated Plugins]

And This only happens when you use Non-Recommended Settings. Chars Less Than 16 For SteamIdHashSalt. [With it Server Fetch Info To Client Steam]

And at the same Time if you use Recommend settings, Chars more than 16 For SteamIdHashSalt, Plugins work But Server Don't Fetch Info To Client Steam.

I think Either one of the condition should be fixed.

Use Less Than 16 Chars And dp_clientinfo should be fixed


[BGCOLOR=transparent]Use More Than 16 Chars And Server Should Fetch Info To Clients Steam.[/BGCOLOR]
Последнее редактирование:
это дос?

L 11/23/2018 - 14:02:24: [REUNION]: Blocking query flood from a lot of spoofed addresses: 20069 pps
L 11/23/2018 - 14:02:26: [REUNION]: Blocking query flood from a lot of spoofed addresses: 1472 pps
L 11/23/2018 - 14:02:31: [REUNION]: Blocking query flood from a lot of spoofed addresses: 4499 pps
Всем добрый день. В версии ( замечен баг. Пропускает на сервер забаненных навсегда нон-стим игроков из banned.cfg. Вчера долго ломали голову с ТП MyArena, с различными настройками, в итоге оставался последний вариант, проверить на предыдущих версиях Reunion. Откатился до версии (0.1.92) и тут всё нормально. До перехода на ReHLDS в последнем DProto так-же было всё нормально.
Наглядный пример на скриншоте. Через консоль сервера добавляю "banid 0 STEAM_*" , записываю "writeid" в banned.cfg , делаю рестарт сервера. Проверяю "listid" , показывает что стим айди забанен навсегда "STEAM_* : permanent" , но на сервер захожу без проблем, проверяю "amx_who" - я на сервере. Данная проблема только с нон-стим клиентом, для оф.стима баны работают.

61 раз(а)
bloodyhawk, steam id после перезахода совпадает с тем что в бане?

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