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amxx reapi CS:GO Remake 2.14.0

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Совместимость с
Amx Mod X 1.9.0, Amx Mod X 1.10.0 dev
Tested on:
ReHLDS Server
ReAPI ( for misc sub-plugins )
AmxModX 1.9.0+
Nubo for the original code.

CS:GO Ports and @TheDoctor0 for pack of weapon textures, original models, submodels and more.

Hanna, 1xAero for ability to change viewmodel bodygroup that is required for submodels; and to HamletEagle for this post.

OciXCrom for his CromChat library

GHW_Chronic for Weapon Model + Sound Replacement script.

The Kalu for CS:GO Remake's banner.
It's an advanced CS:GO Remake mod for CS 1.6 which contains a lot of features:

nVault and MySQL data saving.

Maxmimum skin amount is 450.

StatTrack System on every Weapon Skin.

Sub-Models system for skins.

Dynamic Main Menu.

RangUP only ( announces in chat those who rank up ).

Automatically weapon reload + refill at spawn.

Kills from each round will be counted on the screen using a sprite model.

MVP at end of the round ( based on best killer or the bomb planter or bomb defuser ).

CS:GO Like end round sounds.

Warmup time ( customizable by cvar )

Kill assist system.

Grenades short throw + lower the time of exploding a grenade with half when it's in short throw.

Trade offer system.

Destroy skins ( you can choose between getting dusts or points ).

Craft skins system ( allows you to craft a rare item using dusts obtained from destroing skins ).

Case opening.

Raffle system ( players join raffle and one of them is chosen randomly and win all points at raffle ).

Jackpot system ( players join jackpot and one of them is chosen randomly and win all skins placed at jackpot ).

Roulette system ( players can play roulette like on gambling sites ).

Coinflip system ( players can bet their skins with other players and the winner gets the opponent's skin ).

Promocode system ( promocodes can be setted up in config file ).
NOTE: Attached Archive contains only files inside amxmodx folder, for full download, visit the project on GitHub, or click HERE for the latest version.
Administration Cmds:
amx_givepoints ( Give points to a certain target )

amx_givecases ( Give cases to a certain target )

amx_givekeys ( Give keys to a certain target )

amx_givedusts ( Give dusts to a certain target )

amx_setskins ( Set an amount of a SkinID to a certain target )

amx_give_all_skins ( Sets all skins to a certain target )

amx_setrank ( Sets a rang to a certain target )

amx_finddata ( Search a player data in the binary data base )

amx_resetdata ( Resets a player data. 1 - Deleting the account from the binary data base ; 0 - Reseting the account from the binary data base. )

amx_change_pass ( Reseting a player password )

csgor_getinfo ( Gets infos about a Rank or a Skin given by RankID / SKinID )

amx_nick_csgo ( Changing a player name cuz it is blocked for other plugins )

amx_skin_index ( Returning skin id in the array )
Public Cmds

say /reg ( Opens the registration menu )

say /menu ( Opens the main menu of the mod )

say /skin ( Prints a colored message in the target chat with infos about a skin from certain target viewmodel )

say /accept ( Accept a trade offer request )

say /deny ( Decline a trade offer request )

say /acceptcoin ( Accept a coinflip request )

say /denycoin ( Decline a coinflip request )

inspect ( Inspect a weapon from the player viewmodel ( not as spectator. This function is registered and as "impulse 100" )
Shadows Adi
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Последние обновления

  1. Multiple updates and code improvements

    Added a new plugin: csgor_save_skin_names ( save player's active skins in database - only for...
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