Delayed teleport issue

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creating delayed teleport does not work properly
Error log
delay functionality does not work
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I am trying to create delayed teleport, after an entity was touched. I tried with trigger_teleport (with target info_teleport_destination) and I've set it delay before trigger 5 seconds, but does not work. Also with trigger_multiple and setting target - trigger_teleport might work, but I don't know how and where to place the brushes, because whenever a player touches trigger_teleport it will teleport him immediately. Can you help me somehow, how can we create a delayed teleport?

I also found this when I was searching:
  • "Kill Target" and "Delay Before Trigger" keyvalues does not work on this entity. Also "Target" keyvalue can be used only to specify teleportation destination. That means this trigger can't act like touch detectors (to fire it's target when touched).
How can we delay the teleport then?

Kind Regards!
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Also with trigger_multiple and setting target - trigger_teleport might work, but I don't know how and where to place the brushes, because whenever a player touches trigger_teleport it will teleport him immediately.
You can use a workaround. Create a multisource entity, set its name in the "Master" field of the trigger_teleport. Place a trigger_multiple over trigger_teleport, and set its target to an "off-map" func_button. Set the multisource entity as the target of the button, and set a delay for activation of the button and "delay before reset". So when you touch trigger_multiple, it activates func_button, the button sends "ON" signal to the multisource, so teleport is working, then (after the button reset) button sends "OFF" signal to the multisource and trigger_teleport is not working. Check the attached archive for an example and test different values of trigger_multiple and func_button delays.


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